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Rings Handmade in Washington State

Engraved Rings

Wear the inscription that best represents you! Pick your text and font and I'll craft this beautiful ring you can wear for any occasion. This custom-made titanium ring has intricate text engravings of your choice, precision carved into the ring.

Don't confuse this ring with ones made using uneven, irregular hand-stamped impressions. Instead, I make my rings with crisp, precision aligned text engravings in your choice of font.

Please note that I do not provide language translations, so your text must be submitted exactly as you would like it to appear on your ring. If your text contains foreign characters (those that don't appear on a standard American keyboard) then contact me first for instructions. Please double check the spelling of your inscription before ordering.

Click the image below to order your Custom Engraved Ring!

Engraved Ring - Pick your Text

From $174.00 - $282.00